Alcohol Vending Machine

Beer Vending Machine ~ Alcohol Dispenser


Comfort can be Convenience.
Spoil your guests with both convenience and choice.
Finally... an unattended solution to responsibly sell a broad range of alcoholic drinks including bottles, cans, ready-mixed spirits and mixers, wine, Champagne and Prosecco.

We are the leading alcohol vending machine provider in Australia to high end hotels, motels, apartments, backpackers, hostels and resorts.
Our Alcohol Vending Machines for sale are called a "Vend-Bar" which is leading the way in the replacement of mini bars with vending machines, as they are an economical and convenient substitute.


This is the ideal solution... a REAL Hotel Vending Machine

Our machines include approved RSEA options for alcohol vending, fresh food vending as well as the traditional snack and beverage vending.

The Beer vending machine or alcohol vending machine is a touch-screen imaged, age verified unattended solution to responsibly sell a broad range of alcoholic drinks including bottles, cans, ready-mixed spirits and mixers, wine, Champagne and Prosecco.

An alcohol drink vending machine sounds difficult to control.

We now have the total solution Australia!

Alcohol Vending Machine - Vendbar VM5 PLUS 50

Alcohol Vending Machine
Your "Vend-Bar" alcohol vending machine can be also a touch-free, age verified unattended solution to responsibly sell a broad range of full size or miniature alcoholic drinks including bottles, cans, ready-mixed spirits and mixers, wine, Champagne and Prosecco.

We now have the solution Australia!

Our machine can comply with responsible service of alcohol. Approvals for QLD, NSW, VIC.
Other Australian states are coming online granting approvals... very soon.

The Vend-Bar , like your hotel, is open 24 hours and accessible to your registered guests or anyone visiting your quests.
The machine takes cashless payments only and houses a unique selection of drinks and products found only in your establishment.

Our machine in it's STANDARD mode can serve Snacks, Chips, Chocolates, Toiletries, Soft drinks, milk, protein shakes,juices in cans and bottles.
And when the BAR MODE activation is enabled... quests can choose from a variety of alcohol selection that can entice any.
Being a non live display vending machine.
ALL Products are displayed on a 42" LCD Touchscreen.
Customers simply swipe the screen just like a mobile phone, select the product and simply PAY by tapping their card!
A totally unmanned alcohol drink vending machine and alcohol dispenser.

This NEW vending machine for sale provides the multimedia touch screen for a new direction in self-serve minibars.

We have called our machines " Vend-Bar ", it is an Alcohol Vending Machine~Beer Vending Machine~Alcohol Dispenser... all in one.

Each Vend-Bar vending machine can feature custom hardware, branding and on-screen marketing or advertising with stereo speakers to attract customers with a product or offer.
With our Vend-Bar key code system... customers can open up a hidden screen on the machine to purchase their Alcohol products all done with total Cashless Payment technology.

Full telemetry with remote monitoring and stock inventory control.
Total Sales and sold out emails and even a REMOTE VEND feature ensures this Machine will be a hit both here in Australia but also to all the Hotels, Motels,Resorts and Casinos all over the world.

Alcohol vending machine - VendBar - products display screen  Beer vending machine VendBar product display

Why use a Vend-Bar vending machine...instead of a mini bar?

Firstly the Vend-Bar machine in its Standard MODE can sell Chips, Chocolates, Microwave meals, Soft drinks Cans & Bottles.
SAFE for Children to USE.
When ACTIVATED to BAR MODE this unattended machine can offer a Vast range of alcohol beverages.

This is a real true industry game changer.
Offering a Alcohol Vending Machine ~ Beer Vending Machine ~ Alcohol Dispenser for Guests and Patrons.

The benefits

COST $ REVENUE $avings
1. Save up to 70% on labour demand/costs
2. Save on overstocking of goods which results in spoilage
3. Stop guest disputes or wrongful charges
4. Contactless Cashless Sales
5. Full remote monitoring and inventory control.
6. Daily Sales reports
7. Save on minibar losses... (minibar loses on average are 20% to 40%)

Imagine being able to keep customer satisfaction with a minibar and keeping profits and cutting costs.
Well now, you can...

Examples of our Alcohol products:
Craft Beers
Lo / No Alcohol Champagne Prosecco
Spirits Mixers
IPA 150ml
Pre Mixed Cans and Bottles: Scotch-Cola, Bourbon & Coke, Bundy Rum & Coke etc

alcohol drinks cans sell in alchol vending machines

Our Machines
Innovative and reliable, Vend-Bar machines are the best on the market and fitted with state-of-art technology including AI Image recognition system, Remote monitoring & telemetry, so always know your stock level and sales status.

All of our machines can take multiple payment types: coins, notes, contactless credit and debit cards, Apple and Android Pay.
The Machine comes in two different sizes, and most importantly, they all look great!

Find out which machine is best for you
Questions? Talk more with our team!

Apply online today Click Here



Alcohol Vending Machines for Sale


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Proudly 100% Australian owned & operated